Changing directions or “pivoting”? There’s a lip print for that…

When a lip print has the shape of an upside down triangle, this indicates that the owner of the print is changing directions or pivoting.

Do you pivot?

You hear people use the word “pivot” frequently right now on social media and on the news.  Many of my friends have expressed that they are sick of hearing that word.  But when I hear that word, I think to myself “there’s a lip print for that”.

Most people think that lip prints are like finger prints.  But actually lip prints are more like a person’s signature which can change depending on the tension we have in our hand when we write.  Lip prints, depending on our pucker, will reflect personality traits, energy levels as well as our mindset when we make them on a piece of paper.

I am a Lipsologist and understand the secret language of a person’s kiss print based on the shape, size, color intensity and many other special markings and aspects.

Usually, I can tell by the person’s lip print if they are  overwhelmed and losing energy and enthusiasm for where they are or what they want to do.  Or if they are confidently moving forward, mentoring others, feeling successful and acting as a leader

In the case of the inverted triangle shaped lip print, the person is challenged to go in a new direction.

How to spot the “Pivot” lip print.

The upper lip of the print will look flat while the lower lip will have a point . This marking indicates that they have agility and are fluid and flexible at handling the challenge at hand.

Often, the “pivot”  lip print will also have open corners like the one in the picture.  This indicates that the individual is ready to make the changes and get going.  They often  have a “go with the flow” personality. 

Most people looking on don’t realize how much work the pivot person is doing behind the scenes to make change happen.  They  can make things look easy while everyone thinks that the changes just “magically” happened.

Your lip prints talk!

No matter what you are currently experiencing, there’s a lip print for that!  Your lips might not give you away, but believe me, your lip prints will! 

It can be fascinating to look at lip prints with family members, coworkers and friends as a casual activity or for a staff team building exercise.

Virtual lip print experiences are easy to set up  for your next get together, networking meeting or family reunion.  It’s an activity that everyone can do together that is unique and personal. 

Did Covid-19 put a dent in your social calendar?

Do you have a group that likes to have fun learning new things?  Lipsology readings focus on everyone’s favorite subject – them!

Virtual lip print parties available.  It’s a perfect way to reunite family, friends and social groups and not worry about social distancing or masks!

Book  your party now!; Laura E. West, certified Lipsologist

Laura E. West is a professional fortune-teller and certified Lipsologist in Dallas, Texas.  She engages and enlightens guests at private parties, corporate events, trade shows and more. She has read the lip prints of thousands of people and one dog named Squirrel.  Laura is known for her quirky sense of humor, calming energy and amazingly accurate intuitive entertainment.  Contact me here for a free quote.

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