Free Lip Print Reading!!!

Click here:  Take the Kiss Decoder quiz now!

Believe it or not, you lips want to tell you something!  And you’ll be shocked at the messages they carry.

What kind of things?

Well, your lip prints reflect not only your personality, but your mindset, energy level, decision, interactions with others and even your personal strategy for creating success.  And that’s just a fraction of what I will find in just one lip print.

Let me introduce myself.  I’m Laura E. West and I am one of only 11 certified Lipsologists in the world.

Yes, “Lipsology” or lip print reading is a real thing.  I get hired by everyone from big companies (NYX Cosmetics, Burt’s Bees, Pandora Radio, Southwest Airlines…) to small bridal parties to read lip prints virtually (on Zoom) and in person at big conferences all over the globe.

Simply put, I help people understand themselves and others in their life by uncovering the special messages found in their lip prints.

Curious?  Make your lip prints for the Kiss Decoder quiz!

What do your lips prints say about you?

Take the Kiss Decoder quiz now!