Are you hiding behind the Net? Cards of Fortune for March 6 – 12, 2017

Hiding from or building relationships. Laura E. West, Cards of Fortune

Do you find yourself constantly pulling up social media pages and then finding that ten, fifteen or more minutes have gone by?  And yes, those are some cute cat videos and you might have found out what your friend had for lunch, or you are emotionally drained from seeing the latest post of what “those people” are saying or doing.

There is so much information coming at us from the internet through social media and email.  It can seem confusing and intimidating.  I recently read that people are experiencing high anxiety trying to keep up with the social media, as well as becoming addicted to needing to be on it constantly. The card of Fortune for this Week features Three of Diamonds.  This card reminds us that can be hard to tell what is real and truthful, or a manufactured to get big emotional responses especially if it’s done often enough and with rigor.Three of Diamonds

This week, pay attention to the value of the information you encounter.  Does it help you move forward or does it distract and through you off your game?  Time management and creating a plan for your goals would be useful this week if you feel behind or want to get ahead.  Quit comparing your life and situations to other people (especially those celebrities that have all sorts of assistants and time on their hands) and focus on your own intentions.

Simple can be better.   The more things change, the more things stay the same.  And you may find yourself longing for the “good old days” this week or wondering how things got so complicated and why can’t it just be more simple.  Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.Life is beautiful 2

It now seems very old fashioned to do things off line.  I do a lot of business on email, through Facebook and other internet platforms.  While we do a lot of relating virtually, there is nothing that takes the place of face to face interaction especially among friends.  However, it doesn’t hurt in business either.  I recently went to a networking evening for entertainment professionals and was reminded how important having a good old fashioned in person conversation really is.  Dare yourself to set up a lunch or coffee date with an old friend or someone in you’ve been meaning to meet.

Sometimes we need a little help or guidance with deciding what’s next, getting clarity on what path to take or just seeing what might be next for you in the future.   I do private readings most Saturdays at Prana Haven, in Richardson, TX. Click here for appointment

Laura E. West, Fortune-teller & Lipsologist

Laura E. West is a professional fortune-teller and certified Lipsologist in Dallas, Texas.  She entertains and enlightens many different ages at parties and events. She is available for private consultations and classes at  Prana Haven, Energy, Wellness and Gifts for the Soul, located in Richardson, Texas.  Drop by, sit a spell and have a cup of tea!

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