Today is ruled by 6 of Clubs. The path to success is through the path of ambition and inspiration. It’s the journey not the destination that counts. However, dedication, discipline and persistence are important to keep us on the path to push forward. If you are struggling, ask yourself what is the temptation distracting you from what you want?
Ecliptic card that can help you with today’s challenge: 9 of Diamonds. The 9 of Diamonds is also known as “The Giver”. It is the willingness to be selfless with your skills, knowledge and resources. It is the knowledge that by giving, the Universe is abundant and will always supply you with what you need. And as Mick says “you can’t always get what you want… you get what you need.”
Each day is assigned to a Card of Fortune that will affect us one way or the other. Each of us are born to our own specific card that reflects who we are, as well as an Ecliptic card that reflects what we strive to overcome or aspire to become as our most enlightened self. For more information on how you can get your own Card of Fortune reading, email: or call 214-334-0769 to set up an appointment for a private readings