Today is ruled by Nine of Clubs. We feel one with our divine purpose or that we are just meant to be on a particular path that inspires us. And while there may be opportunities for adjustments, it still feels comfortable like a good friend. Nine of Clubs also brings us the “right” people who show up in our lives to either inspire or help us on our path. Wha-la! Divine intervention!
Ecliptic card that can help you with today’s challenge: Six of Hearts. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Believe it or not, you do have a choice. Be frustrated or fall into the same old patterns, or choose happiness and fulfillment. Which sounds like more fun?
Each day is assigned to a Card of Fortune that will affect us one way or the other. Each of us are born to our own specific card that reflects who we are, as well as an Ecliptic card that reflects what we strive to overcome or aspire to become as our most enlightened self. For more information on how you can get your own Card of Fortune reading, email: or call 214-334-0769 to set up an appointment for a private readings or to book a party or event.