He’s not a dull boy!
““I love discourse. I am dying to have my mind changed. I am probably the only liberal who read Treason by Ann Coulter. I want to know, you understand? I like listening to everybody. This to me is the elixir of life.” - Jack Nicholson

Thanks to Jack Nicholson for decades of entertainment and interesting characters.
This Lipsologist (I read lip prints) is so thankful to Jack Nicholson for putting on lipstick and making a lip print for the Save the Children auction in June of 1979. This was way before playing the Joker in Batman!
Lipsology is based on psychology and how and where someone kisses a piece of paper making their lip prints. Jilly Eddy, the founder documented her system in her book “Lipsology the Art and Science of Reading Lip Prints.”
Mr. Nicholson’s single lip print holds a lot of interesting information about what was going on in his life around the spring of 1979.
Because lip prints are pertinent to when they are made, they can often show us information about how their owner is interacting with others and dealing with life in general.
I don’t have an exact date, but I suspect that Jack Nicholson’s lip prints were made during the spring of 1979 prior to the Diamond Jublilee action event for the Save the Children’s Fund in June 1979.
Jack’s lip prints as well as many other celebrities including Mick Jagger, Bette Davis, David Bowie and Audrey Hepburn were acutioned off to raise money at this one-of-a-kind charity event. The full collection became the book “With Love From…” and the proceeds from the sales were passed on to the charity as well.
Here is Jack Nicholson’s lip print from the celebrity Lipograph collection With Love From…

In the spring of 1979 Jack Nicholson was busy working on Stanley Kubric’s film The Shining based on the novel by Steven King. The film was originally set to wrap up by the end of 1978 but went way over schedule, spilling into the spring of 1979. It was a grueling shoot for everyone involved.
Kubric was a director known to push cast and crew to get the footage he desired. He had some unusual ways of getting performances out of actors.
Kubric would only let Jack eat his least favorite food: cheese sandwiches for lunch everyday and we all know what it feels like to not have a satifying meal.
Jack’s hotel was much further away from the film location, and he woudl often sleep in his car instead of driving the extra miles. His sleep deprivation helped to create the stressed-out character of Jack Torrence.
“I’ll scare the pants off everybody with this,” Jack Nicholson of his role in The Shining.
Seven things that Jack’s lip print reveal about him at the time he kissed the paper!

Lip print shapes
Jack’s kiss print has a trianglular shape. This easy to observe lip print shape can denote someone with rock-solid personal beliefs and systems. They usually won’t waver or flip flop. The top or upper lip points upward like an arrow.
People who have this lip print shape feel comfortable and confident in pointing others in the right direction. They act as natural talent scouts and can spot raw talent and skills in others.
Was Jack a mentor on the set of The Shining?
Shelly Duvall was Nicholson’s costar in The Shining and claims that he was her “rock” throughout the making of the movie. At the end of a long grueling day, they’d get together and have sip of scotch and exchange acting techniques and their artistic visions about their work on the film.

Shape number two
In addition to the triangular shape, he also had an organic and Angular shape to his lip print. This reflects someone who is agitated, snarky or over the top sense of humor. They can be unusual and intimidating to others. with their blunt delivery of words.
“Genius.” “Difficult.” “Blunt.” “Party animal.” And “lothario.” These are all adjectives used to describe Nicholson by both the press and his associates over the years.
A thin upper lip!

A thin uppper lip is a sign of being particular and perfectionistic. They like order and attention to detail especially in projects and work. Thinking outside the box and being able to come up with new ways or more efficient ways of doing things are just a few of the talents that come with a thin upper lip.
“I’m such a perfectionist. I always feel overpraised or whatever. In the abstract, I know I’m a good person, a good professional. But it’s nice to be noticed a little bit, ain’t it?”-Jack Nicholson
Jack’s wavy bottom lip

Our bottom lip reflects the behind the scenes or personal aspect of a our life that only close friends and family might (or might not) know about.
Wavy lips can reflect people who are creative, innovative and a little unpredictable. Jack is naturally creative as an actor, but few people know that he has talents as a visual artist.
Early in his career Jack considered being an animation artist for Hanna-Barbera Productions. But instead of working on Johnny Quest and other Saturday morning cartoons he decided to pursue acting instead.
Jack Nicholson is also a huge art collector. He began buying art in the 1960’s and his collection includes works of Picasso, Rodin, Modigliani and Botero. The value? A cool $150 million.
Special markings on Jack’s lip prints…

The Star –this mark is a white dot in the center of the upper lip. It looks like a white dot or burst of light. This mark signals that Jack is the “family favorite” and gets a lot of love and adoration from those around him. People with this lucky mark can often be the “only” as in only child, only boy/girl of family, or the youngest.
He was the youngest of three children. Or so he thought…
A curious journalist dug around and found information about Jack’s past that was curious. The juicy news revealed that Jack’s “older sister” was pregnant when she was 17 and instead of being his sister, she was actually his mother. By the time he found out the truth, both his “grandmother” and “mother” had already passed.
In high school Jack was a charming class clown but most of the teaching staff found him to be a horror.
Jack has always been a peer favorite and adored in the celebrity world of movie stars, models, athletes, and musicians. His charming grin that women found him irresistible.

That deep Cupid’s Bow in the top center of his upper lip. Jack is a man who enjoys being noticed and is not afraid to stand out from the crowd. He likes to make a good or memorable first impression. People with the deep Cupid Bow marking can be very charismatic as well as unusual looking. They get attention and can easily turn heads.
During the late 1970’s Jack was at the top of his game and was a ladies man and joked that he was “irresistible to women.”
One more very curious thing on Jack’s lip prints…

Is there a possible injury to lower right side of body?
The bottom of his lower lip on the right side looks like it is cut away. Sometime this type of marking can indicate an injury at some time in the person’s life.
Since we only have the one lip print, I can’t check for a pattern.
I did a little bit of research and found some proof of Jack to back up my hunch that maybe Jack had an injury while filming The Shining.
Watch the clip!
Jack’s limp in the last scenes of The Shining was real!
He fell out of a hotel window the night before shooting this scene.
Thank goodness no broken bones!
Wishing Jack Nicholson, a marvelous year of good fortune!
Thanks again for lending us your lip prints!
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Laura E. West is a professional fortune-teller and certified Lipsologist in Dallas, Texas. She engages and enlightens guests at private parties, corporate events, trade shows and more. She has read the lip prints of thousands of people and one dog named Squirrel. Laura is known for her quirky sense of humor, calming energy and amazingly accurate intuitive entertainment.