The Magic of Manifesting! Cards of Fortune – April 4 – 9, 2016

existanceTo follow through with a decision or not – now that is the question!  If you have been perplexed wondering if  you should change your strategy around finances, a new job or a new project, this week is the week that you finally have a break through.  It really comes down to “what do you want?”.

I find that actually deciding what to create is the hardest thing for a lot of people. It’s hard to manifest from indecisiveness . People go back and forth because they are afraid of what they actually could create in their life.

Most of the time we don’t give our selves credit for the little things that we do create.  So start noticing.  It might be a primo parking space or a someone giving your a cupcake.  Start small and then acknowledge it.  Repeat.  Some of the most surprising things will show up.  I promise!

BTW – I would love to hear what did show up for you!  They are usually some pretty fun stories to share!

These three cards will be significant this week!  So pay attention!

7 DiamondsSeven of Diamonds.  When the ego lets go of needing the world to validate how great it is, that’s when it really does happen. Real security comes when we don’t need it.  Let it go now. It is so easy to think; and so hard to do.  Open up and you shall receive.

9 of HeartsNine of Hearts.  This card is sometimes referred to as the “wish” card among tarot card readers.  Nine links us with the divine and what our heart truly desires.  The Universe wants to give us what we wish for and often it does, but we don’t notice or acknowledge it.  It’s always more fun to give a gift to someone who is grateful than someone who reacts lack luster.  When we start noticing all the small things that we create we realize how rich our world really is.

Ecliptic card that can help with this week’s challenge: Ten of Spades! Save0003 We can be our own worst enemy.  How can you get out of your own way this week?  You have the ability to conquer your fear around a problem that you’ve been putting off.  Take some small steps and you’ll find that you are further along than you think and before you know it you’ll be done!

My Cards of Fortune reflections are based on Ernst Wilhelm’s video classes at  If you are interested in learning about the birth card system, his video classes are educational as well as entertaining.   

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For more information on how you can get your own Card of Fortune reading, or to set up an appointment for a private readings or to book a party or event contact me at or call 214-334-0769.

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