The Heat is On! Cards of Fortune- July 20 – August 5, 2016

the Heat is on

It’s hot, hot, hot here in Dallas for this fortune-teller!  I don’t know about you, but I’m realizing that here in the middle of summer there was so much that I wanted to accomplish, yet I feel like so much to do and that heavy feeling of how to get it all in before September.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Fake it Till you make itFake it till you make it!  Sometimes it can be so tempting just to crawl away and curl up in a ball.  Life can be tough and the day to day schlogging to get things done makes us feel like we aren’t getting anywhere and that can be really discouraging. No matter what happens in life, we do have the ability to adapt and survive even if it feels impossible or the odds may seem against us.


Splat! -Hitting the wall.  There comes a point where our ambition may not be realized and we will not reach the goal you originally envisioned.  Can the ego let go and be open to new possibilities?  No one wants to be a “quitter”, but it is not failure to walk away from something that is not working for us, stressing us, or that seems like more of a burden than rewarding.  Now is the time to evaluate the situation and choose a new approach.  What could be a new and exciting way to go forward?  What’s needed- a partner, inspiration, creative time or time off?


Bench it!  Ahhhh!  Make time for a little relaxation and reflection.  No judgment here, but how are those goals coming along?  What is the next small step to make each day move to forward?  Small steps rather than big strides can make a difference.Yoda

Listening to our inner Yoda?  Success comes with huge responsibilities that can be motivating or make us procrastinate.  Taking things to the next level is not because we have to do it but because we can do it! Inspiration drives us to move forward and we feel that we have no choice but to move forward.  Life is actually demanding that we rise to the occasion.  As Yoda would say, “Do or die, there is no try.”


Monday, August 1 -Ten of Hearts. Open the heart and feel the love.  We are one with the divine and there is perfection in where we are, who we are with and what we are doing.  We have choice of which path to go.  Don’t judge or question, but instead take a deep breath and surrender.

Tuesday – August 2 -Ten of Diamond. It’s a great day to celebrate a job well done.  It’s like graduating and preparing to move up to the next level of what is worthwhile and important to us.  We can count our blessings of what others have contributed to us through inheritance which can be money and material things, but also skills and talents taught to us as well.

Wednesday-August 3Eight of Hearts.  Logic may not be the best way to handle things today.  What are you feeling and being drawn toward?  And even though it might not make sense to those around you, follow your heart on this one.

Thursday, August 4 – King of Hearts! Kings make the decisions and give the commands.  In this case it is about what is good or right for everyone involved.   The King in us puts aside his ego and selflessly does the right thing.  What has the ego been holding on to or to righteous to let go of?  Choose freedom. Open the heart. Surrender to love.

Friday, August 5  – Eight of Spades. Today, use creative thinking to gain focus and definition on a project or goal.  Sometimes innovation can get us out of a pinch or when our backs are against the wall.  Refrain from blaming others and see it as a way to get leverage and movement.  Instead of worrying, try to get calm.   Tapping into our intuition can shift a negative to a positive.

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My Cards of Fortune reflections and predictions are based on Ernst Wilhelm’s video classes at  If you are interested in learning about the birth card system, his video classes are educational as well as entertaining.  


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