Cards of Fortune, September 26 – 29th! Nostalgia

life-is-beautifulSix of Hearts. The more things change, the more things stay the same.  And you may find yourself longing for the “good old days” this week or wondering how things got so complicated and why can’t it just be more simple.

As little  problems arise (especially on Tuesday & Thursday) this week, ask yourself what do you want out of a situation and what are you willing to let go of to get it.  Too much energy or attention to something can choke the life out of it.  Back off and let it breathe.

Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.  Think about a  time or a situation where doing something or planning something seemed so easy and fun.  You might even have a  picture of that event.  Take a look at it or visualize it in your mind.  How can you capture that feeling right now as it pertains to your current situation?

Believe it or not, you do have a choice.  Be frustrated or fall into the same old patterns, or choose happiness and fulfillment.  Which sounds like more fun?

My Cards of Fortune reflections and predictions are based on Ernst Wilhelm’s video classes at  If you are interested in learning about the birth card system, his video classes are educational as well as entertaining.  

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